1 00:00:04,990 --> 00:00:09,410 sometimes what you're looking for is at 2 00:00:07,220 --> 00:00:11,300 the end of the road your journey here 3 00:00:09,410 --> 00:00:12,860 can take a while but when you find your 4 00:00:11,300 --> 00:00:15,680 way to Red Lake you'll know you've 5 00:00:12,860 --> 00:00:18,160 arrived what is it about this place that 6 00:00:15,680 --> 00:00:20,990 makes you feel that you instantly belong 7 00:00:18,160 --> 00:00:22,999 sure the Goldfield attracts people from 8 00:00:20,990 --> 00:00:25,369 all over the globe but what makes them 9 00:00:22,999 --> 00:00:27,409 stay could it be breathing in that clean 10 00:00:25,369 --> 00:00:29,659 northern air or is it the glorious 11 00:00:27,409 --> 00:00:33,230 sunshine it's true that living this 12 00:00:29,659 --> 00:00:35,149 close to nature get familiar skin before 13 00:00:33,230 --> 00:00:37,820 you find your way to the most northerly 14 00:00:35,149 --> 00:00:39,770 traffic light in Ontario you will marvel 15 00:00:37,820 --> 00:00:42,490 at the vibrancy of this thriving and 16 00:00:39,770 --> 00:00:44,300 remote town of 5,000 rugged individual 17 00:00:42,490 --> 00:00:46,520 boasting one of the highest per-capita 18 00:00:44,300 --> 00:00:49,130 incomes in Canada employment 19 00:00:46,520 --> 00:00:51,170 opportunities at all levels of bound did 20 00:00:49,130 --> 00:00:52,640 we mention that we will remote we're 21 00:00:51,170 --> 00:00:58,190 also a quick 40 minutes lice and 22 00:00:52,640 --> 00:01:00,050 Winnipeg International Airport Red Lake 23 00:00:58,190 --> 00:01:01,280 it's it's such a small town you really 24 00:01:00,050 --> 00:01:03,140 feel like you're a part of the community 25 00:01:01,280 --> 00:01:04,909 and that your neighbors are looking out 26 00:01:03,140 --> 00:01:06,740 for you to be able to build that sense 27 00:01:04,909 --> 00:01:09,070 of community and family and in the small 28 00:01:06,740 --> 00:01:11,740 town just feels like you know warm hug 29 00:01:09,070 --> 00:01:14,530 life and redlich has been just fantastic 30 00:01:11,740 --> 00:01:16,960 the community is so close the economy is 31 00:01:14,530 --> 00:01:21,729 booming there's work for everybody here 32 00:01:16,960 --> 00:01:23,500 I chose to work at the ridley hospital 33 00:01:21,729 --> 00:01:25,899 because you get to see a little bit of 34 00:01:23,500 --> 00:01:28,180 everything I knew that I wanted to 35 00:01:25,899 --> 00:01:29,979 practice in a rural study because I 36 00:01:28,180 --> 00:01:33,310 wanted xscope of practice and I wanted 37 00:01:29,979 --> 00:01:36,250 that kind of challenge I wanted to 38 00:01:33,310 --> 00:01:38,409 return back to be new shield area 39 00:01:36,250 --> 00:01:40,330 because I grew up here and I love the 40 00:01:38,409 --> 00:01:43,360 environment I basically wanted a 41 00:01:40,330 --> 00:01:45,399 northern experience it was a change of 42 00:01:43,360 --> 00:01:47,619 my career I wanted to take on the steel 43 00:01:45,399 --> 00:01:49,810 role and this is an opportunity for me I 44 00:01:47,619 --> 00:01:52,090 working large Hospital a medium-sized 45 00:01:49,810 --> 00:01:54,729 and small and I realized that this is my 46 00:01:52,090 --> 00:01:56,950 future it just so happened that my 47 00:01:54,729 --> 00:01:59,170 husband was also a family physician had 48 00:01:56,950 --> 00:02:01,630 been up in the community of Red Lake 49 00:01:59,170 --> 00:02:03,399 several years ago and he had loved it so 50 00:02:01,630 --> 00:02:08,920 I decided to sign up some work in Red 51 00:02:03,399 --> 00:02:11,049 Lake the scope of medicine here is 52 00:02:08,920 --> 00:02:14,110 phenomenal and this is exactly what we 53 00:02:11,049 --> 00:02:15,940 were trained for us we work anywhere on 54 00:02:14,110 --> 00:02:19,030 the acute floor with long-term care 55 00:02:15,940 --> 00:02:21,400 patients two small children to emergency 56 00:02:19,030 --> 00:02:23,370 room traumas and whoever comes in the 57 00:02:21,400 --> 00:02:25,480 door retreat so it's very exciting and 58 00:02:23,370 --> 00:02:28,030 challenging every day is a new 59 00:02:25,480 --> 00:02:30,130 experience I do my regular family 60 00:02:28,030 --> 00:02:32,079 medicine clinic but i also have 61 00:02:30,130 --> 00:02:34,299 responsibilities here at the hospital so 62 00:02:32,079 --> 00:02:37,090 for instance i do call ships I see 63 00:02:34,299 --> 00:02:39,670 patients in the emergency room I manage 64 00:02:37,090 --> 00:02:42,700 hospital inpatients I manage obstetric 65 00:02:39,670 --> 00:02:45,160 okay TSA's delivered babies and we also 66 00:02:42,700 --> 00:02:47,590 service the long-term care facility 67 00:02:45,160 --> 00:02:50,530 there's great continuity of care see 68 00:02:47,590 --> 00:02:53,440 someone in the emergency department and 69 00:02:50,530 --> 00:02:55,660 then follow up in the clinic or you see 70 00:02:53,440 --> 00:02:57,310 them as follow-up care you see the map 71 00:02:55,660 --> 00:02:58,810 to come back from the specialist and so 72 00:02:57,310 --> 00:03:00,609 you really get a great sense of what's 73 00:02:58,810 --> 00:03:02,980 going on and I think it makes her 74 00:03:00,609 --> 00:03:05,920 interesting medicine as well as better 75 00:03:02,980 --> 00:03:07,989 patient care working in a small Hospital 76 00:03:05,920 --> 00:03:09,730 you get to develop one on one with their 77 00:03:07,989 --> 00:03:11,980 patients a lot easier than you would in 78 00:03:09,730 --> 00:03:13,810 a bigger Hospital and you actually build 79 00:03:11,980 --> 00:03:16,989 a relationship with not only the 80 00:03:13,810 --> 00:03:18,370 patients but also your coworkers my 81 00:03:16,989 --> 00:03:18,910 experience at the Red Lake hospital has 82 00:03:18,370 --> 00:03:20,380 been 83 00:03:18,910 --> 00:03:26,650 just a little bit of everything it's 84 00:03:20,380 --> 00:03:29,860 been very fun and very challenging we 85 00:03:26,650 --> 00:03:32,050 focus in a lot on work-life balance so 86 00:03:29,860 --> 00:03:35,110 the quality of life is important myself 87 00:03:32,050 --> 00:03:36,900 personally I'm an outdoor enthusiast so 88 00:03:35,110 --> 00:03:39,700 that is where I feel the most 89 00:03:36,900 --> 00:03:41,650 comfortable and the wilderness is right 90 00:03:39,700 --> 00:03:44,290 in your backyard you can walk outside 91 00:03:41,650 --> 00:03:46,690 and go so mobiling or ice fishing and go 92 00:03:44,290 --> 00:03:48,340 for a hike renew any day after work or 93 00:03:46,690 --> 00:03:49,840 on the weekend whereas in the largest 94 00:03:48,340 --> 00:03:51,970 Center you'd have to drive an hour or 95 00:03:49,840 --> 00:03:54,190 two to get to those kind of activities I 96 00:03:51,970 --> 00:03:55,960 like canoeing and kayaking if you love 97 00:03:54,190 --> 00:03:58,120 that there's no better place I can 98 00:03:55,960 --> 00:04:00,460 paddle into woodland caribou park right 99 00:03:58,120 --> 00:04:03,010 from my doc work is important it's 100 00:04:00,460 --> 00:04:08,590 rewarding but work-life balance is just 101 00:04:03,010 --> 00:04:10,480 as important I don't know exactly what 102 00:04:08,590 --> 00:04:12,010 drives people here but they're looking 103 00:04:10,480 --> 00:04:14,590 for something and it must be the 104 00:04:12,010 --> 00:04:17,560 adventure really I think working at Red 105 00:04:14,590 --> 00:04:19,269 Lake Hospital it would be ideal for 106 00:04:17,560 --> 00:04:20,859 someone who is looking for a little bit 107 00:04:19,269 --> 00:04:23,950 more adventure and looking for some 108 00:04:20,859 --> 00:04:25,240 challenge in their practice I would 109 00:04:23,950 --> 00:04:27,400 encourage you to go to the website and 110 00:04:25,240 --> 00:04:29,560 just have a look at what's available but 111 00:04:27,400 --> 00:04:33,030 it really is phenomenal come up here and 112 00:04:29,560 --> 00:04:33,030 you know change your latitude 113 00:04:33,210 --> 00:04:38,150 if you're looking for something 114 00:04:34,620 --> 00:04:41,810 different we're looking for you Red Lake 115 00:04:38,150 --> 00:04:41,810 change your latitude 116 00:04:55,060 --> 00:04:58,180 [Music] 117 00:04:59,740 --> 00:05:01,800 you