We are a predesignate Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO)

What is a BPSO program you may ask
BPSO designation was launched by Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO) as a knowledge translation strategy to support adoption of best practice guidelines to optimize health and clinical outcomes throughout healthcare settings. Hospitals or other health care organizations partner with RNAO over a period of 3 years to work on meeting requirements of a BPSO designation.
To become a BPSO designate, organizations identify and successfully adopt, through a process of implementation, evaluation and optimization, five RNAO clinical guidelines over the course of 3 years.
Through direction from the LHIN, community and stakeholder engagement and patient and family feedback, we identified the following five best practices to implement at our local hospital. These best practices align with our quality improvement plan and strategic values/ priorities:
- Preventing falls and reducing injury from falls
- Assessment and management of pain
- Risk assessment and prevention of pressure ulcers
- End-of-life care during the last days and hours
- Person and family centered care
Our champions have volunteered to lead integration of these guidelines to our clinical processes. This integration will be an itinerant process involving evaluation of processes and determining success against specific measures.
At the end of the three-year cycle, with the successful integration of these guidelines, we hope to be a BPSO designate; ultimately working to provide evidence-based excellent and safe care to our patients.
We will continue to update this webpage to inform of our progress made and our experiences of becoming a BPSO designate! Check in soon for more updates!