Patient Safety & Quality of care
Patient Safety
There are many initiatives and strategies that we use to help us achieve our strategic commitment of Putting Patients First by providing the safest care possible, our healthcare teams are constantly practicing and following infection prevention and control standards.
Patient Safety concerns are taken very seriously and we welcome the opportunity for improvement; please follow our Patient feedback process if you have concerns or compliments related to patient safety and quality of care you have received at our hospital.
This link to Health Quality Ontario Hospital Patient Safety and Infection Rates provides up-to-date information related to patient safety
rates and compliance, including; hand washing (before and after contact
rates), C.Difficile Infection, Antibiotic resistant Bloodstream
RNAO- Best Practice Spotlight Organization 
Red Lake Margaret Cochenour Memorial hospital is proud to announce that we are a predesignate Best Practise Spotlight Organization (BPSO).
Quality Improvement
The Excellent Care for All Act (ECFAA) legislation that came into effect in Ontario in June of 2010 requires every health care organization to develop a "Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)" for the next fiscal year and make it available to the public by April 1st.
What is used to develop QIP's
The annual quality improvement plan must be developed having regard to at least the following:
- The results of the surveys.
- Data relating to the patient relations process.
- In the case of a public hospital, its aggregated critical incident data as compiled based on disclosures of critical incidents pursuant to regulations made under the Public Hospitals Act and information concerning indicators of the quality of health care provided by the hospital disclosed pursuant to regulations made under the Public Hospitals Act.
- Any factors provided for in the regulations. 2010, c. 14, s. 8 (2).
What information can you find in the QIP
The annual quality improvement plan must contain, at a minimum,
- annual performance improvement targets and the justification for those targets;
- information concerning the manner in and extent to which health care organization executive compensation is linked to achievement of those targets; and
- anything else provided for in the regulations. 2010, c. 14, s. 8 (3).
Here you can view/download the Red Lake Margaret Cochenour Memorial Hospital's QIP's and Performance Improvement data: